One of wool’s properties is that it’s water- and wind-resistant. It protects the skin from high temperatures, making it a safe choice around an open fire. Another one of wool’s properties is that it keeps you warm in the cold and cool in warm weather. It has unique insulating properties. It’s not a breeding ground for bacteria and requires minimal washing.
How can we combine this knowledge with the expertise available at Devold? Can we challenge a product category dominated by artificial materials and create a natural alternative?

The answer is the Trollkyrkja Jacket. A 100% merino wool shell jacket that is both wind- and water-resistant. A jacket that protects against the weather. A jacket that doesn’t emit dangerous toxins into the environment.
There’s always a natural alternative, and we use innovation to create products able to compete with oil-based garments – in terms of application, heat-to-weight value, and freedom of movement.
Because nature has the answer.